Monthly Archives: March 2010

2903, 2010

North Shore Sunrise Shells in the Surf

By |March 29th, 2010|Musings, North Shore Sunrise Shells in the Surf, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Glistening in the sun covering the shores, sunrise shells are becoming more available and rare at the same time.  Sunrise shell jewelry is a must for any real surfer girl.  The colors are so vibrant and show off a tan perfectly.  But what’s the story behind these supposedly rare and valued shells. Sunrise shells are in the scallop family (Langford’s Scallop).  They were very sacred to the ancient Hawaiians. The story goes: “Servants of the kings would walk the beaches and look for Sunrise Shells, but only the Royal Family could wear these magnificent shells.  Some say they received the name “sunrise” because early in the morning (at sunrise) the Sunrise shell would be the easiest shells to spot on the beach. The sun would reflect its rays of the vibrant colors of these beautiful scallop shells.  Others says they received their name of Sunrise shells because if you did not get to the beach before or at sunrise, then someone else would have already found them.  

It is said that only “blessed” people find these rare Hawaiian shells.  They also make an excellent gift to that special surfer girl in your life.  Ask us about them after your surfing lesson.

2303, 2010

The Only Women's Surfing and Bodyboarding Contest held at the Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu

By |March 23rd, 2010|Surf Happenings, The Only Women's Surfing and Bodyboarding Contest held at the Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu|0 Comments

A very special surfing event happens every year on the North Shore of Oahu. The surfer girls get a day and sometimes two days to themselves at for an all girls surfing contest at the famous Banzai Pipeline.  It’s a perfect way to wrap up a day of surfing lessons with the North Shore Surf Girls Surf School. 

All of the details are below.  Durning the holding period you can check in with the Surf News Network for daily on or off status updates.

What: Pipeline Women’s Pro. The only Women’s  surf  and bodyboarding event held at the Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu.

The 21st annual  which started as a  bodyboarding event for the first 19 years, shortboarding, stand up surfing and a longboarding expression session was added when North Shore surfing legend and women’s advocate Betty Depolito to over the event.

When:  April 5 to April 19, 2010 (14-day waiting period)

Where:  North Shore, Hawaii, Ehukai Beach Park, Pipeline surf break.
The North Shore is famous for its waves and surf culture.

Who: The best extreme Women surfers and bodyboarders in the World including surfers from Chili, Puerto Rico, Japan, Venezuela, Australia, England, Ireland, USA, Hawaii, Brazil, France and more!