Monthly Archives: April 2013

2704, 2013

North Shore, Oahu – Where the Sun Lives

By |April 27th, 2013|Surf Happenings, Where the Sun is Lives|0 Comments

Following on with the theme of what we love on the North Shore…Yes, the sun does live on the North Shore, when she’s not shining, which is 99% of the time, she lives in the foothills of Mt. Kaala.
PS and parking on the North Shore is free…..

2104, 2013

The Very Best Things About Living on the North Shore of Oahu for a Long Time

By |April 21st, 2013|Surf Happenings|0 Comments

There are really so many wonderful things about living on the North Shore. First and most obviously the beaches and off shore waters. We have miles and miles of white sandy beaches. Green sea turtles and monk seals along with an untold number of other shoreline species sharing this space between the land and ocean with us humans. The North Shore is also know as the Surfing Capitol of the World. The title says it all. Every year a couple of thousand or more surfing enthusiast from around the world join the tight knit North Shore community for 7 months of surfing joy. When the waves are perfect it’s  heaven on Earth. When the wind’s blow on-shore and it’s victory at sea, everybody is still happy because the air is clean and filled with the smell of salt. Thirdly the North Shore Sunsets are some of the most beautiful in the world. My favorite one happened one evening at Sunset Beach. I paddled out on my boogie board on a good size swell with strong off shore winds and a full moon on the rise…The sheer beautify of nature came together […]

2004, 2013

Surfing Lessons and Protecting Your Skin

By |April 20th, 2013|Surf Happenings, Surfing Lessons and Protecting Your Skin|0 Comments

Protecting one’s skin while learning how to surf is very important to many of our surf students. Protecting our skin while teaching our students is also very important to the North Shore Surf Girls…So we usually wear long sleeve surf shirts, long leggings and Coolibar surfing gloves.. A word on the importance of protecting your hands from the sun while surfing; the skin on the back of your hands is very thin and easily damaged by the sun, also when you paddle your surf board the back of your hand facing up and very exposed to the sun….