How to Save Yourself and the World At the Same Time So that You Can Surf More
How to save yourself and the World At the Same Time So that you can Surf More
I sometimes lay awake at night worrying that I’m personally not doing my part to save the World from the effects of human-made pollution. I know that plastics are killing the oceans and dangerous chemicals of all types have made their way into our food chain. For example glyphosate, the active ingredient in the World’s number one herbicide Roundup has been found in mother’s milk. Going 100% organic seems to be the answer. Also, nothing packaged, nothing processed, no sugar, no meat and no dairy. I’ve been eating like this since October 2017. For the record, I cheat sometimes, but 90% of my diet is as such. The results are that I feel terrific, my skin is much better, my food cost is only $12.00 a day and I’ve reduced my household trash by 75%. The hardest part is changing my relationship with food and resetting my pallet. It takes about a month, but once you get there, it’s not so hard, and in fact, I don’t desire processed food at all.