Monthly Archives: May 2011

2705, 2011

Can the North Shore of Oahu Add More Surfing Beaches to its Shoreline?

By |May 27th, 2011|Musings, Surf Happenings|1 Comment

Human intervention in the shore line erosion in process in Hawaii is one of the tragedies of modern times.    When shore lines are made hard, as in seawalls,  sand disappears, near shore waves change and entering the water becomes more dangerous.  None the less an island’s job is to erode, it’s just the natural course of things.  If allowed to occur in a natural way (with out seawalls)  sand forms and their is a gentle slop towards the waters edge.  Sand is like a membrane between the earth and the ocean.  Although not all shores have sandy beaches the ones that do are treasured by surfers and all likes of beach goers.  This is because sand is soft and wonderful to walk on, sunbath on and generally enjoy.  Sand is also for the most part a very safe place to walk bare foot or to play in wearing only a swim suite.  The challenge in Hawaii is that people like to build homes, hotels and other structures near the shore line which as the Hawaiian islands erode often come in contact with sandy beaches and eventually and especially in the case of locations with high surf, like the North Shore […]

1805, 2011

Surfing Lessons & Other Things to do in the Summer on the North Shore of Oahu

By |May 18th, 2011|Surf Happenings, Surfing Lessons & Other Things to do in the Summer on the North Shore of Oahu|0 Comments

Summer time is almost here and the North Shore of Oahu’s famous huge waves are going to sleep as the Winter moves to the Southern hemisphere.  Not to worry though the North Shore is blessed with trade winds that generate a wind swell that provides beginner surf students with the perfect size waves to learn to surf in.  (Note in the Winter when it’s big we teach surfing lessons in a cove protected from the larger surf).  While a surf lesson is a must do on the North Shore, there are many other fun activities to enjoy  as well.  For starters there are miles of beautiful white sandy beaches to explore which in the Summer are perfect for snorkeling, sea shell collecting and turtle viewing. Feel free to ask one of your surf instructors after your surf lesson for suggestions and directions to some of our secret off the beaten path beaches.

For the  more adventuress type you can go on a shark tour , deep sea fishing or take a sunset cruise all out of Haleiwa Harbor. The Harbor is located on the North-East End of the town and is easy too find.  If your  super brave  or just wanting […]

1005, 2011

Special Offer for North Shore Surf Girls Surf Lesson Students!

By |May 10th, 2011|Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Aloha Everyone,

Below is a QR code with a special offer for our surf lesson students for the month of May 2011.

505, 2011

Oahu is the Best Island to Learn How to Surf in the Hawaiian Islands.

By |May 5th, 2011|Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Oahu is the best Island to learn how to surf on because of it’s age, shape and size. The North Shore is the best side of Oahu to learn to surf on because we are the surfing capitol of the world and never have invasions of Jelly Fish like Waikiki Beach does. The North Shore of Oahu also has dozens and dozens of surf spots many of which are perfect to learn to surf safely.