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So far Carol has created 273 blog entries.
2503, 2009

North Shore Lifeguard Annual Bodysurfing Contest at Pipeline

By |March 25th, 2009|North Shore Lifeguards, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

The North Shore Lifeguards are the best watermen in the world saving the lives of thousands of visitors to the North Shore each year. They also organize a bodysurfing contest at the Pipeline on an annual basis. Below is a short summary of the contest written by contest director Rick Williams as well as photos.

Group Photo
North Shore Lifeguards
Bodysurfing Action!

2009 ke kaha nalu hanana ‘o ehukai….when translated literally means bodysurfing experience at pipeline. this seasons event was recently held in very contestable 1-3 foot peaks in front of the lifeguard tower. a record 60 men and women put on a display of waveriding grace, despite the difficult wave size. once again the two man rescue race proved to be the highlight of the afternoon. congratulations to watermen Mike Stewart, Jeff Hubbard, and Ikaika Kalama for schooling all the rest of us…aloha

Bodysurfers getting ready to compete at
the Pipeline on the North Shore of oahu
A beautiful day on the beaches of the North Shore

1803, 2009

Why the North Shore of Oahu is a Better Place to Learn to Surf then Waikiki

By |March 18th, 2009|Learn to Surf in Waikiki or Not!, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Learning to surf in Waikiki is OK, but to learn to surf on the North Shore of Oahu is about as authentic as it gets.  Below is a list of the pros and cons of each location.

Surfing Lessons in Waikiki

Surfing Lessons on the North Shore of Oahu

Over Crowded
Water quality is poor
Waves – flat in Winter
Waves – in Summer super crowded
Beaches imported sand dirty crowded

Very uncrowded – super friendly
Water quality is pristine
Waves fun and safe in winter – due to teaching in a safe protective cove
Waves in Summer fun, uncrowded 1-2 feet
Beaches pristine almost empty

I could go on and on about why it’s better to learn to surf on the North Shore over learning to surf in Waikiki, but the bottom line is that if you do choose to stay in Waikiki a day trip to the North Shore is a must do – so why not learn to surf in the Surfing Capitol of the World – the North Shore?

303, 2009

North Shore Sunsets are Best in November

By |March 3rd, 2009|North Shore Sunsets are Best in November, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

103, 2009

Carol Philips Bodyboarding and Competing at Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu

By |March 1st, 2009|Surf Happenings, Video of Carol Philips Bodyboarding|0 Comments

1602, 2009

All about Waimea Bay and Valley on the North Shore of Oahu

By |February 16th, 2009|About Waimea, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Waimea Bay and Waimea Valley is one of my most favorite places in the world!`Located in the Moku of Waialua, it is the only complete Ahupua’a on the island of Oahu that is preserved. An ahupua’a is the name Hawaiians use to describe a track of land, but it’s much more then that, it also represents a style of land management that follows the flow of the water from the mountains to the sea.

Waimea Bay’s beautiful white sand beach is one of the largest and deepest beaches in the Hawaiian Islands and a great place to swim and snorkel in the Summer months. It is also a Marine Life Conservation District. On the West end of the bay the famous Jump Rock which you can jump off of if your brave! There is also a hole at the base that you can swim through.

In the Winter months when the surf is up Waimea Bay features one of the most dangerous and deadly rip currents in the world. So much so that Jump Rock name is changed to Death Rock ! If you must go in the water during […]

1402, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

By |February 14th, 2009|Happy Vanentine's Day!, Surf Happenings|1 Comment

602, 2009

Tidal 9 Women's Pipeline Pro 2009 Contest

By |February 6th, 2009|Surf Happenings, Tidal 9 Women's Pipeline Pro|0 Comments

402, 2009

How to be a Real Surfer Girl

By |February 4th, 2009|How to be a Real Surfer Girl, How To Do Things Related to Surfing|0 Comments

2401, 2009

Keeping the Country Country!

By |January 24th, 2009|Keep the Country Country|0 Comments

901, 2009

How to be a Jr. Lifeguard on the North Shore of Oahu

By |January 9th, 2009|How To Be A Jr. Lifeguard on the North Shore of Oahu, How To Do Things Related to Surfing|0 Comments

The City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii offers it’s Jr. Program each summer. Classes last a week each and are open to children 13-17 years of age who can swim 500 yards in less then 10 minutes and have had a physical exam within the past 6-months. The North Shore Jr. Lifeguard Program is so successful that the North Shore Lifeguard Association has created created a video to teach even more children and adults basic lifesaving skills. You can watch the teaser below on You Tube or visit Explore TV and watch the whole 2o-minute video . Although, I’m slightly biased, Rick is a friend and I’ve volunteered for the program in the past, this video is amazing. My 7-year old nephew has watched the video at least 6 times and now knows what a first responder is and most impressively to call 911 when someone is in trouble or unresponsive.

Directed, by Rick Williams, Produced the North Shore Lifeguard Association and Made Possible by a Grant from the Annenberg Foundation

Watch the whole version on Explore TV