surfing lesson

learning to surf from a surf instructor

2106, 2018

Surf School

By |June 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Surf School
Looking for a surf school in Hawaii?  Then check out the North Shore Surf Girls.  We teach surfing lessons daily on the North Shore of Oahu at our surf school.  North Shore Surf Girls surf school located at Chun’s Reef in the summer months and Puaena Point during the winter surf season.  Our surf school focus on teaching how to surf by starting you off with the basics of controlling your surfboard on the beach.  We show you surfboard paddle technique during your surfing lesson.  When we first paddle our with you in the water we give you a paddle clinic to make sure that you are paddling your board correctly during the whole surf lesson.  The North Shore Surf Girls also teaches you how to balance successfully on your board while paddling out to catch a wave.  Beginning surfers usually really appreciate our surf school’s approach to showing you the very basics in a way that is easy to understand and replicate.

Surf Lesson Fun!
One of the things you should always check when choosing a surfing school include if they are licensed by both the State of Hawaii and the City and County of Honolulu.  By being licensed you […]

1503, 2013

How Many Surfing Lessons Does It Take To Learn How To Surf?

By |March 15th, 2013|How Many Surfing Lessons Does It Take To Learn How To Surf?|1 Comment

If a person is fit and motivated the North Shore Surf Girls Surf School can teach you to surf in one surfing  lesson. Most people however, take about three surfing lessons to learn to surf. It should be noted too that truly learning to surf is a life long pursuit, however if you can catch a wave by your self then you have learned the basic and much needed first step. To become an expert  at surfing you have to spend hundreds if not thousands of hours surfing in the ocean. Besides learning to catch waves you also have to learn about the ocean; currents, sets, and so much more. This takes years and while it can be explained one really needs to experience it first hand to really “get it”.

2002, 2013

Haleiwa Joe's Best Place to Eat After a Surf Lesson on the North Shore of Oahu

By |February 20th, 2013|Surf Happenings|0 Comments

The best place to fuel up on after a surfing lesson is Haleiwa Joe’s  it has  great food, service and a view of Puaena Point  where you just learned to surf across the bay from the front lanai.  Haleiwa Joe’s also has a fun sports bar that is frequented by surfing legends.  Happy hour  is from 4:30 – 6:30pm on week days and from 10:00pm to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.  Menu options range from hamburgers to lobster and fresh fish.  My favorite meal is the seared Ahi and the burnt caramel macadamia for dessert.

1502, 2013

How to Buy Your First Surf Board.

By |February 15th, 2013|How To Do Things Related to Surfing|0 Comments

Many of our surf lesson students ask the North Shore Surf Girls how to buy their first surfboard. Our advice is to rent or borrow surf boards until you find one that is the right size. For example we start you out on your first surfing lesson in Hawaii on a 12 foot surf board, because it’s easy to balance and safer, However, as you progress you will move onto an 11 foot surf board and then down to a 10 ft surfboard. Most people eventually settle on a surfboard that is less then 8 feet long. The problem is that if you purchase a surfboard that is too small for your level you will not be able to catch waves with it and may give up surfing and at the very least have to buy a bigger board while your skills improve. So take our advice and rent boards until you get to a size you like and can carry on top of your car as well. Oh, and the main difference between a short and long board….short boards turn sharper and long boards are easier to catch waves with.

1402, 2013

Spring Brings the Best Time to Learn to Surf on the North Shore.

By |February 14th, 2013|Spring Brings the Best Time to Learn to Surf on the North Shore, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Learning to surf on the North Shore of Oahu is possible all year round. In the Summer Chun’s Reef is perfect for beginning surf lesson, because it catches a trade wind swell that warps around the island from the East Side of Oahu. In the Fall, Winter and Spring we teach in a protected Cove called Puaena Point. Spring is our favorite time of year to teach because the waves are perfect at Puaena and it’s getting a bit warmer. Yes, it’s always warm in Hawaii but us locals are very spoiled. We like the weather to be beyond perfect, which is what Spring brings….

1410, 2012

Children's Surfing Lessons on the North Shore of Oahu

By |October 14th, 2012|Children's Surfing Lessons on the North Shore of Oahu, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Aloha,  Just wanted to share with you a little bit of our philosophy of teaching children to surf.  The North Shore Surf Girls know that each child has a unique personality and ability  to adapt to an aquatic environment.  With that in mind we customize our surf lessons to ensure that your child is safe and feels confident as they become acquainted with surfing and riding waves for the first time.

2507, 2012

Surfing Lessons on the North Shore of Oahu – Commercial

By |July 25th, 2012|Surf Happenings|0 Comments

Every wonder what a surfing lessons on Oahu’s North Shore with the North Shore Surf Girls is like? Watch the short video below and find out. It’s all about fun in the sun, sand and surf in Hawaii!

1005, 2012

Surfing Lessons with Geen Sea Turtles May Soon Be a thing of the Past for Oahu Visitors and Locals alike.

By |May 10th, 2012|Environmental Concerns|0 Comments

It’s no secret that the North Shore is teaming with green sea turtles… We see them at virtually every surfing lesson that we give. Weighing up to 700lbs and living as long as 80 years, they are gentle beautiful creatures that have graced the oceans for as long as 150 million years.  With rare exceptions surfers don’t chase them, feed them or harass them in any way. The result is that surfers and turtles  live in harmony in the surf and on the beautiful beaches of the North Shore and around the island of Oahu even including Waikiki.
When giving a surfing lesson, I often joke with my students that I have TADD, or Turtle Attention Deficit Disorder, because when ever I see a turtle I’m compelled to say “hi” as he or she pops it’s head up for a breath of air in the surf. One day we even rescued a little one that had fishing line wrapped all around it’s neck and flippers. Saving that young turtles long life was a beautiful moment for me and my friend, Christi.

It was not always that way back in In 1973, biologist researching the Hawaiian green sea […]

1805, 2011

Surfing Lessons & Other Things to do in the Summer on the North Shore of Oahu

By |May 18th, 2011|Surf Happenings, Surfing Lessons & Other Things to do in the Summer on the North Shore of Oahu|0 Comments

Summer time is almost here and the North Shore of Oahu’s famous huge waves are going to sleep as the Winter moves to the Southern hemisphere.  Not to worry though the North Shore is blessed with trade winds that generate a wind swell that provides beginner surf students with the perfect size waves to learn to surf in.  (Note in the Winter when it’s big we teach surfing lessons in a cove protected from the larger surf).  While a surf lesson is a must do on the North Shore, there are many other fun activities to enjoy  as well.  For starters there are miles of beautiful white sandy beaches to explore which in the Summer are perfect for snorkeling, sea shell collecting and turtle viewing. Feel free to ask one of your surf instructors after your surf lesson for suggestions and directions to some of our secret off the beaten path beaches.

For the  more adventuress type you can go on a shark tour , deep sea fishing or take a sunset cruise all out of Haleiwa Harbor. The Harbor is located on the North-East End of the town and is easy too find.  If your  super brave  or just wanting […]

1102, 2011

How to prepare for a surfing lesson in Hawaii

By |February 11th, 2011|How To Do Things Related to Surfing, Surf Happenings|0 Comments

How do you prepare for a surfing lesson?  Surfing requires a lot of paddling so you should strengthen your arms.  Lifting light weights and or doing push ups help the most.  Having strong stomach muscles will also help a lot with your surfing.  Sit ups and crunches are best.  For balance yoga is also one of the best things you can do to prepare for a surfing lesson. Other then working on your fitness and balance you can also watch the video below of a surfing lesson to see how it all gets put together.