Hawaii Surf Lessons
Learning to surf in Hawaii is a wonderful way to fall in love with the ocean. Hawaii surf lessons will introduce you to the sport of surfing in it’s birthplace. Yes, that’s right surfing was invented in Hawaii thousands of years ago. Just imagine long before hotels were built on the Hawaiian island native Hawaiians froliked in the surf, catching waves for days as they say. In 1866, Mark Twain visited Hawaii, and wrote, “In one place we came upon a large company of naked natives, of both sexes and all ages, amusing themselves with the national pastime of surf-bathing. Then in came the missionaries who somehow banned the sport and it almost died out. However, since surfing is so fun and amazing it was not completely eradicated and eventually spread around the world. Today surfing is practiced in organized competition in over 40 countries around the world. Surfing is even going to be in the 2020 Olympics In Japan.
Fast forwarding to the 21 century the average person can learn to surf in Hawaii by taking surfing lessons with the North Shore Surf Girls. We teach you to surf in safe gentle waves on the North Shore of Oahu. Our mostly female instructors are experts at teaching you the many nuances of how to catch a wave and learn to surf successfully. We especially love teaching families to surf, but also enjoy teaching individuals and couples as well as large groups.
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